This amazing card Illustrated by Barbi Sargent is a Master Piece. I have several of these that appear to be a set with this adorable Elephant and mouse. The back of the card identifies them as Buddy and Buddies. It is a Forget me not card from 1972. Barbie Sargent is the artists who created the beginnings of Strawberry Shortcake with a character from a line called Strawberrys. Barbi Sargent is still doing awesome works of art today with a line of characters called Katz. She also drew Murphy Mouse, Gretchen, Poppyseed and several others. I will be sharing a bunch of her other works here soon! Below I have also included an original drawing is her "Strawberrys" from 1973 with a card that looks alot like that character on a 1978 greeting card that I have.. Needless to say I'm a big fan of hers !