**UPDATED 9/29.2022 with new inside images....
This is a berry cu e and unusual little item. It is a pocket telephone index. It is made of metal with Strawberry Shortcake etched on the front.
It is even harder to find in its original packaging. I will be carefully prying the staples open soon so I can take record for this archive the content inside then putting everything back carefully to never disturb it again. These things need to be documented for collectors to be able to know what's out there. This is the original purpose of this website. To archive as any Vintage Strawberry Shortcake ephemera items as possible because we all know that the paper items can get damaged so easily and are much harder to find in good condition as time goes on. This one luckily has a metal
shell and a wrapper. I will post the inside images when I dare to open it soon !