This is a variant of this adorable Strawberry Shortcake Birthday card featuring Strawberry Shortcake Playing cards with Huck and that rascal the Peculiar Purple Pie Man. I have added an image of both cards cover so you can see the differences. Mainly it's the ink color in the writing at the bottom message, one has it in black and the other in red. Also, the format of the top part of the cards title is spaced differently. An interesting detail that can be easily overlooked is that on the new card "Strawberryland" is written in 2 words "Strawberry Land". On the larger card it is not only written as "Strawberryland" but now has a ® next to it showing that the own the rights to it. There are also variations in the color tones that were used for the art, the earlier one I shared has much darker ink and is more vibrant. Neither of these cards are embossed. The one with the red writing at the bottom is 10" x 6.5", the new one I am sharing today is 9" x 6". The insides of the two cards are the same except that each little card on the new one is slightly smaller. The cards on the larger one each measure 2.5" x 2 1/16th", the smaller ones are 2" x 2 1/4th. It is all these interesting details that just make me love collection these cards and their variants. It is so fun! <